Travel Medicine

What Is Travel Medicine In Burbank & North Hollywood, CA?

Are you planning to travel to another country, or are you a frequent flier because of job, immigration, tourism or even a passion for humanitarian efforts? Then, Burbank family physician, Dr. Lawrence Delano Tran, is the best monitor of your health. He understands the needs and risks of global travelers and can help you be your healthiest when on the road.

Always on the move

This is the modern American public, reports the American Academy of Family Physicians. In fact, in 2014, 68.3 million Americans went through international borders for a variety of reasons. That number likely will increase over time and with it, the challenges of preventing and treating travel health issues.

Your travel doctor

That's Dr. Tran. Along with his friendly team, he prepares his patients for the travel lifestyle--whether that involves a one-time cruise, international trip of a lifetime or for continuing business trips abroad. Whatever your particular situation is, be sure to see Dr. Tran for a pre-trip consultation.

Here are the things Dr. Tran thinks about with his traveling patients:

  • Prevention of injury, insect bites, and snake bites
  • Air travel precautions (motion sickness, anxiety, deep vein thrombosis, jet lag, and air quality concerns)
  • High-altitude illness
  • Malaria prevention
  • Waterborne diseases such as diarrhea
  • Sun protection
  • Immunizations (meningitis, typhoid fever, Japanese encephalitis, flu, and pneumonia are among the top "shots" to be considered)
  • Contacting medical help when out of the country

Risk assessment comprises a large part of your pre-trip consultation. In general, high-risk travelers are the very young, the elderly, anyone who is immuno-suppressed and those who travel widely and frequently. Your doctor will advise you on the best methods of personal safety and disease and injury prevention based on your:

  • Age
  • Current medical issues
  • Area of travel
  • Duration and mode of travel

When you return...

Post-travel follow-up is a good idea. Dr. Tran frequently treats conditions such as chronic diarrhea, skin rashes, and fevers. However, sometimes, problems arise long after someone has returned home. Dr. Tran may wish to see you a few weeks to months after your trip to ensure a viral or bacterial infection has not been incubating or chronic conditions worsening due to the stresses of travel.

Taking a trip or two? Then, book a pre-trip consultation with Dr. Lawrence Delano Tran. For more information on travel medicine, please call (818) 391-1028 for our Burbank, CA office. Now serving North Hollywood, CA!