Erectile Dysfunction

What Causes Erectile Dysfunction In Males In Burbank & North Hollywood, CA?

It's difficult to talk about but so important. It's erectile dysfunction. Also called ED, erectile dysfunction affects millions of American men. Your Burbank physician, Dr. Lawrence Delano Tran, encourages his male patients to be open and honest about their sexual health, including problems such as ED. With good communication, diagnosis, and treatment, erectile dysfunction can be managed.

Why ED happens

Erectile dysfunction--the ability to get and keep an erection--can be quirky and somewhat unpredictable. While men of all ages may suffer from it at one time or other, the most common age is 75 or over. Yet, age is not the dominant factor. Other medical factors include:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Stroke
  • Head and spinal injury
  • Obesity
  • Sleep disorders, including sleep deprivation
  • Fatigue

Additionally, psychological factors play a significant role. Self-image, relationship problems, and job or family stress impact sexual health, and erectile dysfunction specifically. Lifestyle issues include tobacco usage and alcohol abuse, illegal drugs, being sedentary, depression, and mood disorders.

Diagnosis and treatment

Dr. Tran will do a complete medical examination, blood work, and urinalysis to rule out or uncover any medical causes. These must be addressed first. Then, treatment for ED may include counseling for any psychological, relationship, or mental health issues. Also, some medications such as Cialis and Viagara produce good results for some men.

Your physician will help you arrive at a care plan suited to your needs. He may even recommend ways to reduce your risk factors for developing ED:

  • Regular exercise
  • Losing weight
  • Controlling blood pressure and glucose levels
  • Stopping all tobacco and limiting alcohol to two or fewer drinks daily
  • Managing chronic health conditions such as diabetes and hypertension

Manage your symptoms

Dr. Tran can help you with this. Research published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine says that a full 29 percent of men with erectile dysfunction showed complete remission or satisfactory improvement after initiating treatment with their primary care physician. There is hope, and Dr. Tran and his team can help.

For more information on erectile dysfunction or to arrange a consultation with Dr. Lawrence Delano Tran, (aka Dr. Burbank), please call (818) 391-1028 for our Burbank, CA office. Now serving North Hollywood, CA!